for easyriders minds and the ones who inspire to be..

Saturday, 27 March 2010




A retrospective on Ron Arad design and architectural works at Barbican from his first steps to nowadays.
Nothing to add everybody learnt and knows.

On the 4th April I took part in an interesting conference\chat , the first of the 3 dates programme, which was on 1980's entitled ' From readymade to massproduction', speakers Ron Arad, Katharine Hamnett,Rolf Felhbaum (Vitra chairman) and Deyan Sudjic (Design museum director)..big theme discussions, personal laughing life episodes and the advise of keeping on doing what we like without caring of anything\anybody..

I am sorry the picture of the concrete stereo 1983 failed...

a quick one..
We should increase workshops, interaction among the artists in order to creating innovative paths and democratizing the art role.....or contemporary art market will do the same end of the Lehman brothers ..


Seventeen gallery I saw a New Display Strategies expo with the title What's in it for me?, an alternative history of exhibitions, artefacts, artists, their public and the few that buy things.
Even here I can see some Memphis influences explicity in the furniture and also in the graphics in the video..
With'Banned Calvin Klein advert' You can watch shortmovies about screentests of different people...and with surprise I recognize a big tits '90 italian actress ..i don't remember the name ,,all about '80\'90..


MA Sculpture at Royal college of art in 2000.
Now This artist is linked to Rokeby Gallery\London, a very interesting gallery which will organize a Michael Samuels solo expo from the 15th April 2010, in that time I will be in Milano to report the Design week but I will go to see the expo asap.

I advise you to check out his website

I found his works wonderful, I will keep the easyview on Michael Samuels.



In the 20Hoxtonsquare galllery I found two Michael Samuels works , a table with leds and another light furniture hanged on the wall, the both built with '50\'60 printing wood. His works remind me of Memphis furniture but more racionalist and less futuristic...

Saturday, 13 March 2010


Hello there,
this blog has the intention to share my easy view with you on books, art exhibitions, design objects, people, landscapes I jump into everyday to inspiring, encouraging and making you curious.
Get it easy.

N.B. My easyview will be written sometimes in italian sometimes in english depending on my documents sources and my easy day mood.


MARCHEL DUCHAMP (b. 28 july 1887- d.1 october 1968)
Text from ‘Dialogues with Marcel Duchamp’ / author Pierre Cabanne/ edsition Dacapopress

CABANNE: You never touched a brush or a pencil?
DUCHAMP: No. It had no interest for me. It was a lack of attraction, a lack of interest.
I think painting dies, you understand. After forty or fifty years a picture dies, because its freshness disappears. Sculpture dies. This is my own little hobbyhorse, which no one accepts, but I don’t mind.
I think a picture dies after a few years like the man who painted it.
Afterwards it’s so called the history of art. There’s a huge difference between a Monet today, which is black as anything and a Monet sixty or eighty years ago, when it was brilliant, when it was made. Now it has entered into history-it’s accepted as that, and anyway that’s fine, because that has nothing to do with what it is. Men are mortal. Pictures too..(..)what remains in museum is the expression of the mediocrity of the epoch, because the beautiful things disappeared- the public didn’t want to keep them.
But this is philosophy…(..)

Text from ‘'Wolfgang Tillmans/ The Conversations Series’ / author Hans Urlich Obrist

W.T. : It’s fun to provoke coincidence, to manipulate it, to control it. But we should never let the intention become too intentional, otherwise the whole affair becomes rigid. It’s a kind of game that takes place when we photograph people or, really, in all situations where we use a camera. Good things happen when the energy is allowed to flow freely; these things happen between acceptance and control (..)

FRANCIS BACON (b.1909-d. 1992)
Testo da ‘ Conversazione con Francis Bacon’/ autore Franck Maubert/ edizione I Libri del Festival della Mente

F.M. : Allora cos’è che rende tale un’ artista oggi?
F.B.: Oh, un sacco di cose!Prima di tutto bisogna, io penso, essere totalmente d’ accordo con il proprio soggetto. Bisogna che il soggetto vi assorba completamente. Se non avete un soggetto che via abita e vi corrode interiormente, finite per diventare dei decoratori. Potete attingere a tutti i libri, da tutto ciò che vi circonda, ma non basta. Anche se uno conosce tutta la storia dell’ arte dall’ Egitto ai nostri giorni. A volte, spesso, questo non basta. A me servono cose che mi toccano in profondità. E neanche quseto funziona sempre.
F.M. Chi è un’ artista?

F.B. Uno che non ha troppo ego…